Claims Services

When all else fails, everything falls to Claims-Handling Best-Practices

On average, 30-50% of total claim costs can be contributed to poor claims handling. This is why we partner with our clients to attack claims with established claims handling procedures focusing on Triage, Accident Investigation, Accident Reporting, Claims Handling, Light-Duty/Return-to-Work, and Final Resolution. At each step in the claims process, our team of claims specialists are by your side to drive towards the best possible outcome.

A proactive approach to claims is essential to achieving the best possible claims resolution, controlling claims costs, and expediting the claims ultimate closure. Claims advocacy and support can be provided throughout the claims cycle to support the client’s claims handling efforts. This is achieved through the use of web-based Claims Portal and by a team of experienced, licensed, multi-line claims "Watchdog" adjusters. We can even help with Legacy Claims Advocacy.  We'll even help with your legacy claims. Meaning that our 'Watch-Dog' Claims Advocates will take over handling open claims from your old agent's policies.


  • First Reports of Injury Electronically Entered & Submitted
  • Temporary Staffing Root Cause Indicator Reports
  • Temporary Staffing Red Flag Indicator Reports
  • Create Journal Entries, Email, Attach Files and Obtain Reports
  • The Entire File at your Fingertips 24/7/365
  • Claims Adjuster - "Watchdog" Advocate Support

We'll even help with your legacy claims. Meaning that our 'Watch-Dog' Claims Advocates will take over handling open claims from your old agent's policies.

Claims Portal with Advocate Support

IOA Risk Services 'Watch-Dog' Claims Advocates support a Web-Based Claims Portal used to increase the efficiency of the claims process. The system is triggered by the First Report of Injury (FROI) and facilitates the management, documentation, reporting, and analytics that contribute to controlling claims costs.

Once submitted, 'Watch-Dog' Adjusters evaluate the claim, review the Red Flag and Root Cause Reports, verify the claim has been acknowledged by the carrier and communicate with the adjuster regarding any issues that may need immediate attention.

Ultimately, these efforts result in reduced claims costs and increased profit margins!


Request a Claims Portal Demo

Schedule a Live WebEx Demo today for you and your team!