Services Not Assurances


On average, 30‐50% of total claim costs can be contributed to poor claims handling. This is why we partner with our clients to attack claims with established claims handling procedures focusing on Triage, Accident Investigation, Accident Reporting, Claims Handling, Light‐Duty/Return‐to‐Work, and Final Resolution.

You Cannot Change What You Do Not Measure & Measure We Do!

Is your current broker taking proactive steps to help you lower your mod? We will help you control your mod through a comprehensive risk management plan, which seeks to reduce your workers’ compensation premium by acting on all its contributing factors, from loss control to cost containment.

  • Premium Audit Analysis & Dispute Assistance
  • Unit Statistical Forecasting
  • Experience MOD Analysis Preparation

Utilizing the wrong code may result in final premium audit adjustments, additional premium, and even cancellations. However, classification errors always result in experience modification promulgation errors, where payroll and losses are used to calculate the MOD and effecting rates across the board.

  • Class Code Request Portal
  • Final Premium Audit Documentation & Dispute Assistance

Your staffing company needs its requests for Certificates of Insurance be satisfied promptly and accurately. This should include a review of the contractual insurance requirements in comparison with actual coverages, limits, forms, and available endorsements.

  • Expedited COI Delivery
  • Certificate of Insurance (COI) Request Portal

Most employees spend more time in the restroom than they do in the classroom?

We can help train your internal employees, giving them the knowledge and tools, they need to identify and avoid exposures that result in claims and increased claims costs.

  • OSHA
  • Risk Management
  • Loss Control
  • Human Resources
  • Customer Service

Our Caveat Emptor services helps buyers, sellers, lenders and other interested parties understand the staffing company from an insurance, risk management, loss control,
and underwriting perspective. We diligently seek to uncover hidden or potential insurance related costs, Risk Management, Loss Control, and Coverage Issues that may affect a sale, merger or acquisition.


Need Service, Why Wait?

Services don’t deliver themselves.

Why wait one more minute for the services and service that your company needs and deserves?